Me, Myself and I?

I usually find time to talk to myself quite a number of times. (Don’t judge me yet) Sometimes I don’t find it. It finds me. I may literally be involved in a serious conversation about politics or life with people and just like that, in the middle of the talks, BAM! that little inner voice says ‘hey! When was the last time we ate chips? Or coconut?! Uuuh we should get some coconut right now!! And probably fish! For a pet! And then feed him the coconut!’ And I would reply ‘Whaaa???!!! First of all who are ‘we’? I mean c’mon, how many of you are in there?’ And I would be so taken aback at what just came out of my mouth(well…my brain’s mouth. How weird would it be if our brains had mouths. Think about it) Jesus! You see what I’m talking about…anywhooo! I digress.
So I can generally identify the ‘me’ part…the mind that speaks out and interacts with people, This side is the rational hands on and the main interface(I’m kind of a nerd) people see. There’s not much to it really. Its a rather reserved boring (if you’ll allow me) and detached side of you that just watches life go by.
I’m guessing the ‘myself’ part would be the irrationational unintelligent and down right crazy side of you. The stick it up to the guy fun side of you. The anarchist who lets lose and just causes chaos when given time to interact with the world. The side that would probably make the other two sides of you say ‘Whoa! Who let the dogs out?!’ The part that would say things that would make your parents disown you, the government arrest you (okay maybe I’ve exaggerated a bit. Or am I?!) or and this is quite possibly the highly likely action to be….taken to a mental institution for evaluation. Usually brought out easily by alcohol and other foreign substances(you know what I mean šŸ˜‰ this side generally just haves you make bad awesome or terrible mistakes. Like you know that time you thought about putting your hand in that hole to see just see what happens or how warm it is inside it?? Yea neither do I. Don’t get smart with me and say you don’t have this side. SEARCH YOURSELF!!
And then there’s the ‘i’ part. This one is the special side. The side that will usually leave people in awe and make them love you. Usually brings out the brilliant and creative you. This side will get you the job done or the job, the mother or father of your kids (It’s not the funny side), the things you desire most in life. This is the Titan you. This is where wisdom’s comes out from.
And when all these 3 parts of you are virtually combined, your character is brought to life. You are you! (If that makes any sense) Usually your ‘myself’ and ‘I’ part are the emotional part of you. The parts of you that really…..feel and experience life. Some have one or two sides of them more dominant than the other parts. And its okay. But in one way or another your mind still finds balance between them. And when you find balance, there is only one outcome. AWESOMENESS. And who doesn’t like being awesome huh?
And now I’m thinking about that fish. I think i will name it Jack or Willis. Yep! I’m definitely going with Willis!

2 thoughts on “Me, Myself and I?

    • Well it’ll depend on how he looks at me Walt. Its all in the eyes. But who knows maybe the cat will get him. Either way…the future’s already looking pretty bleak for Willis


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