Me, Myself and I?

I usually find time to talk to myself quite a number of times. (Don’t judge me yet) Sometimes I don’t find it. It finds me. I may literally be involved in a serious conversation about politics or life with people and just like that, in the middle of the talks, BAM! that little inner voice says ‘hey! When was the last time we ate chips? Or coconut?! Uuuh we should get some coconut right now!! And probably fish! For a pet! And then feed him the coconut!’ And I would reply ‘Whaaa???!!! First of all who are ‘we’? I mean c’mon, how many of you are in there?’ And I would be so taken aback at what just came out of my mouth(well…my brain’s mouth. How weird would it be if our brains had mouths. Think about it) Jesus! You see what I’m talking about…anywhooo! I digress. Continue reading